“The Predator” – Level G
Another songbook recently requested by some teachers in the Grand Island school district was The Predator. I’ve determined the Fountas & Pinnell Reading Level for this title to be Level G based on the characteristics I’ve noted below. It would be most appropriate for ages 6 – 7 and first grade readers. (Of course, PreK through second graders love this book!)
2 sentences per page
4 lines of text per page
repetition throughout
rhyming structure
I have identified the various teaching points when using The Predator during your Shared Reading lessons below. *Please note my Blog dated October 25th at normagentner.com as to how to plan out your week with one of my Songbooks of Science!
VOCABULARY: predator, stalking, wary, prey, glides, scales, inner, senses, scent, hound, flicking, forked, tongue, stare, blink, lids, wink, swallows, gulp
ing – searching, stalking, coming
s – glides, scales, senses, animals, eyes, lids, swallows
PUNCTUATION: ’cause (apostrophe), !
ADJECTIVE: forked tongue
TEXT FEATURES: dashes, bold and larger text