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“Munch, Munch, Munch” – Level D

As the butterflies begin to visit our summer gardens on Cape Cod, I’m reminded of an eco-trip I took with our daughter Lauren. Our destination was a Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary located within a trans volcanic range of mountains in Michoacán, Mexico. Every fall, millions of Monarchs migrate thousands of miles to the microclimate in the Oyamel forests. Mostly resting, they wait for spring to return, and begin their journey back to our beloved Cape. Munch, Munch, Munch examines the Life Cycle of butterflies, one that I have always felt to be fascinating. I’ve determined the Fountas & Pinnell Reading Level for this title to be Level D based on the characteristics I’ve noted below. It would be most appropriate for ages 4 – 7 and beginning first grade readers. (Of course, PreK through second graders love this book!)

  • 2 sentences per page
  • 4 lines of text per page
  • repetition throughout
  • rhyming structure
  • some longer sentences (more than 6 words)
  • some sentences turn over to the next line (return sweep)

I have identified the various teaching points when using Munch, Munch, Munch during your Shared Reading lessons below. *Please note my Blog dated October 25th at normagentner.com as to how to plan out your week with one of my Songbooks of Science!

  • VOCABULARY: caterpillars, munch, leaves, breakfast, lunch, beautiful, special, shells,      such, pupae, finally, twig

          s – caterpillars, things, wings, twigs

  • CONTRACTION: they’ll (they will), you’ll (you will)


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