I visited Ledgeview Elementary in Clarence, New York during their Earth Day celebration on April 25th. Kindergarten through second grade classes rotated through the library for a 45-minute workshop focusing on my songbook, What Hatches from an Egg? The session began with a firsthand account, or story titled, If You Care, You’ll Leave Them There. Spring and early summer marks the arrival of new wildlife, and “spring babies” are quite abundant. Although it may be hard to resist the temptation to take them out of the wild, it is a temptation best avoided. As a previous Wildlife Rehabilitator, I helped guide students towards the more appropriate choices.
This was followed by a sing-along with my songbook, What Hatches from an Egg? The students were excited to share their predictions using picture and textual clues, making this title very age appropriate.

I brought along an authentic ostrich and emu egg which I had students hypothesize what might hatch from these eggs. A brief discussion of the ostrich and emu invited the audience to compare and contrast these two unique birds.
The workshop culminated with a hands-on activity requiring children in the audience to use their sense of touch. They were presented with images of six living things that hatched from eggs. The student in the photograph reached into a cloth-like sack, described what she felt, and then predicted the plastic dragonfly in her hand. It was amazing how long the students at this school remained focused and engaged, reflecting a day of true learning!